Main objectives of the department
- To Safeguard life and property of common masses;
- Disaster Management;
- Fire fighting and mitigation of losses in fires even during Fidayeen attacks, cross firing, bomb/ mine blasts;
- Rescue during floods/ flash floods;
- Dewatering during floods and heavy rains;
- Providing of potable water during floods as well as draught;
- Evacuation of effected people in both rural and urban areas;
- Search and rescue in the areas hit by Earthquakes.
- Fire Prevention; Public Awareness through print and electronic media; conducting seminars, delivering lectures in public gatherings, educational institutes;
- Conducting of inspections, fire auditing; risk assessment and recommendations thereof; mock drills in various industries and commercial/ Government institutions;
- Establishment of Temporary Stations during VVIP visits, religious/ public gatherings, exhibitions, establishment of number of temporary Fire & Emergency Stations every year during Holy Amar Nath Ji yatra and other festivities;
- Upkeep and maintenance of large fleet of appliances, equipment and Portable Pumps;